O u r S t o r y

Natürel Sızma Zeytinyağı

We are committed to maintaining the ecological diversity of Turkish agriculture.

For Plantgarde; using sustainable practices and agriculture technologies, and promoting awareness among Turkish farmers are key to the production process. We bring together the expertise and innovative production methods all to tell you the ancient story of the olive tree but with the utmost effort to maintain healthy production practices. We hand-harvest and hand-pick our pesticide-free olives and quickly deliver them to produce top-quality olive oil. All without harming the environment and the biodiversity, or compromising our water resources and health of the soil.

We carefully control all the stages of production of our olive oil, from harvest to pressing, storing and to bottling. High levels of polyphenol is key to top quality olive oil. And to achieve that, our early harvested olives are cold pressed without any delay.

We believe that it is possible to create sustainable, balanced and healthy products by providing fairer conditions to our farming communities that have suffered from unsustainable practices.

Bitki Dikimi

We have only one home.

Climate change is here and it is threatening our livelihood, our lives and our planet. Plantgarde works towards creating projects that will put measures in place to mitigate climate change and slow global warming.

About Us

P l a n t g a r d e

From the fertile lands stretching along the Aegean Sea and flecked with volcanic hills, we are bringing together the finesse of the Aegean terroir and the thousands year old tradition of Anatolian olive oil-making . Plantgarde was born from the approach “No Soil, no agriculture; no agriculture, no food. And no food, no life”.

Zeytin Ağacı
Zeytin Dalı Vektörel
Zeytin Ağacı

Our olive oil proudly showcases the characteristics of our geography, which has been home to farming civilisations for thousands of years. This is all thanks to the passion of our farmers who have carried to day the traditional practices that help them grow the finest olives, the experience of our producers who respect the produce and are devoted to create healthy products without compromising the quality, and of course, the innovative production models that fuse these two successfully.

Our olive oil proudly showcases the characteristics of our geography, which has been home to farming civilisations for thousands of years. This is all thanks to the passion of our farmers who have carried to day the traditional practices that help them grow the finest olives, the experience of our producers who respect the produce and are devoted to create healthy products without compromising the quality, and of course, the innovative production models that fuse these two successfully.

Our passion is to offer the consumers the products of mineral-rich soils farmed by peoples who lived together, sharing their cultures and the fruit of their hard work.

We all love our only home, planet Earth.

Join us in our efforts to sustain our olive trees.

Every year, many tree saplings and young trees are destroyed due to droughts. In our journey of delivering the finest produce with environmentally conscious practices, we plant olives trees every year during the planting season.

Want to know about the journey of a growing olive tree? By purchasing Plantgarde products, you can join us in donating olive oil tree saplings and trace the growth of your own tree!  Together, let’s support farmers plant, grow and harvest using environmentally friendly practices!

Başka bir dünya yok!

Bugüne kadar insanlığın karşılaştığı en büyük ortak sorun haline gelmiş iklim değişikliğinin, bilim ve önemli kuruluşlar tarafından gelinen noktada yaşadığımız dünyanın en önemli sorunu olarak kabul edilmektedir. İklim değişikliğindeki yaşanan hız ve bu değişikliğe karşı alınması gereken önlemler konusunda Plantgarde olarak üzerimize düşen sorumluluğun yerine getirilmesi adına projeler geliştirmek istiyoruz.

O u r V i s i o n

By leveraging Turkey’s great potential for the production and exportation of quality foods, we are aiming to taking our place among the leading producers and exporters of these highly sought-after agricultural products.

Operating from our Izmir-based hub in westernmost Turkey, Plantgarde is located close to and able to work also with other farming communities across Turkey for a variety of agricultural products. We are committed to supporting the livelihood of our farmers and supporting the communities and cooperatives in producing and offering their produce to markets and consumers overseas.