Zeytin Dalı Vektörel

It is the oil obtained from the fruits that olive trees present to us, which have been a cultural heritage of this land for thousands of years. With its benefits for human health being discovered on the fertile lands of the Mediterranean and Aegean, olive oil is a gift to humanity from the tree that can renew itself in nature. In the Aegean Region, to tell you the story of the olive tree that comes down to us, we support past experiences with innovative and modern production models to grow healthy products.

T r i l y e

Olives picked by hand and harvested early from villages located in the interiors of the Aegean region were obtained by cold-pressing. These olives carry their own unique taste because the soil properties of olives collected from mountainous regions are different. Cold-pressed olives have a high content of phenols, antioxidants, and vitamin E, which are found at a high level.

Characteristic features: Reminding of fresh green herbs, grass, artichokes, tomato leaves, and arugula.

A y v a l ı k

Olives obtained from the Ayvalık region, located on the coastline, are picked by hand and cold-pressed right after. Thanks to this cold-pressing process, you will feel a sharper and more intense aroma. A high content of phenols, antioxidants, vitamin E which are necessary for nature-derived health are all present in olives at a high level.

Characteristic features: Reminding of tomatoes, tomato leaves, grass, and fresh herbs.

D o m a t

Olives harvested by hand from the villages in the North Aegean Region and harvested early were obtained by cold pressing. They have a very intense taste, a high content of phenols, antioxidants, vitamin E.

Domat natural extra virgin olive oil can easily be paired with green salad, fish and other seafood, raw vegetables, and light cheese. In addition, it will be a part of your homemade dishes and breakfast. It is recommended to be consumed raw in the morning for breakfast, or in your salad.

Characteristic features: Being fruity.

Zeytin Hasat

Early-Harvested Cold Pressed Natural Olive Oil;

Olive oil is obtained by mechanical and physical means. After the harvesting process, our olives get passed through a crusher first, then sieves. Proceeding with a kneader section, we aim to turn our olives into dough. The expression “cold-press” is used for olive oil which is obtained when the temperature of the dough is 27 degrees and lower.


Why Do We Cold-Press Our Oil?

A Process that takes place above 27 degrees reduces the nutritional value of olive oil. For olive oil to acquire taste and character, and for it to contain antioxidants and rich polyphenols, a cold-pressing process is necessary.

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H o w i s O l i v e O i l O b t a i n e d ?

Olive tree after the harvest of the previous year gets ready for the next year by the completion of the necessary care, plant nutrients that are needed, and practices with organic fertilizers that do no harm to nature. It begins to bloom in May. Between June and August, these flowers turn into green fruit and the fruit continues to grow in size. Between August- October is the period when the seed hardens and the grains become larger. By September- October, it is harvested early by hand with human power before it fully ripens and gets prepared for the squeezing. While the hand-picking method does not harm the tree, low acidity and high polyphenols are important factors for obtaining Extra Virgin Olive Oil. (EVOO)

Plantgarde Naturel Sızma Zeytinyağı


Polyphenols stand out with their antioxidant properties. Antioxidants boost the immune system by protecting the cells in our bodies. The components Oleuropein and Oleocanthal are found in olive oil and the olive oil only. These components have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, there are 36 types of polyphenols in olive oil. Each type of polyphenol has different health benefits. The health benefits of polyphenols in olive oil are as below;

• Lowers blood pressure
• Keeps cholesterol in balance
• Prevents heart diseases
• Reduces chronic inflammation
• Prevents memory loss and cognitive decline
• Delays aging

High-quality olive oil, fresh with high polyphenols, may burn the throat, causing bitterness on and around the tongue. In order to choose the right olive oil, the consumer must first focus on the source and brand of the olive oil. Labels can be deceptive, so research done in advance will help you choose the right manufacturer. Secondly, make a note of the harvest date on the bottle, which is a very important step, because the shelf life of olive oil is not so long. Olive oil lasts only two years from the date of harvest, so it is better to choose the nearest harvest date. Thirdly, look for the label/stamp or mark of an oil approval authority that confirms the brand. You can find this stamp of approval on the back of the bottle in most cases.

In 2010, the world-famous Mediterranean diet was registered by UNESCO in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Mediterranean diet, the main component of which is olive oil, has been shown to help prevent and treat various diseases and is the secret to the longevity of the Mediterranean people.

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Zeytin Dalı Vektörel
Zeytin Dalı Vektörel

T a s t i n g o l i v e o i l

Olive oil is classified according to chemical and sensory analysis. In addition to the FFA (Free Fatty Acidity) level and other chemical values that should be present in extra virgin olive oil, sensory analyzes should also be performed.

According to the International Olive Council; the extra virgin should have no flaws and meet certain levels of fruitiness, bitterness, and pungency. Adults generally prefer and enjoy the fruity taste as well as the bitter finish of early harvested extra virgin olive oil.

In order to make a good choice in olive oil, tasting is a must. Before the tasting, however, smelling the product is also essential. Put a small amount of olive oil in a cup. Then close the cup with one hand and shake it gently, putting the other hand under the cup. This process will make the olive oil warm up. Open the top of the cup and try to reduce air contact with one hand. Come near to the cup, try to smell it, and identify the smell coming into your nose.

Plantgarde Naturel Sızma Zeytinyağı

After smelling it, take a sip from the cup and spread it all over your mouth. Stir the olive oil in it. Finally, swallow the oil. At this time, keep your tongue behind your upper teeth and let the air in through the edges of your lips. Together with oxygen, the burning effect of olive oil will increase. High-quality, natural extra virgin olive oil should make you feel this burning effect. It should make you feel a burn in the throat and the nasal area when you breathe. Caustic smells of grass and slight bitterness will make you feel happy.

D e s i r e d f e a t u r e s :





U n d e s i r e d f e a t u r e s :

Muddy sediment






Real Extra Virgin Olive Oil, when it’s slightly heated (not on the pan; think of it as a dressing for your steak) has a magnificent bouquet of flowers and an acidity that can revive any dish.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which is also real, leaves a great feeling in the mouth when used at room temperature. Because its acidity is very low, it does not coat the mouth and tongue and allows other flavors to shine as well.

olive oil


Olives obtained from the Ayvalık region, located on the coastline, are picked by hand and cold-pressed right after. Thanks to this cold-pressing process, you will feel a sharper and more intense aroma. A high content of phenols, antioxidants, vitamin E which are necessary for nature-derived health are all present in olives at a high level.

olive oil


Olives picked by hand and harvested early from villages located in the interiors of the Aegean region were obtained by cold-pressing. These olives carry their own unique taste because the soil properties of olives collected from mountainous regions are different. Cold-pressed olives have a high content of phenols, antioxidants, and vitamin E, which are found at a high level.

olive oil


Olives harvested by hand from the villages in the North Aegean Region and harvested early were obtained by cold pressing. They have a very intense taste, a high content of phenols, antioxidants, vitamin E.
